22 questions and 12 skills to help you find and hire the perfect Frontend Developer

Frontend Developer

A three-stage interview process for assessing junior, mid-career, or senior level frontend developer candidates. This flow includes interviews for evaluating soft skills, technical skills, as well as architecture skills.


  1. Frontend (Technical)
  2. Frontend (Soft Skills)
  3. Frontend, Problem Solving

Evaluated skills

  • Engineering
  • Communication
  • ECMAScript 2015
  • API Design
  • CSS Frameworks
  • Agile Product Development
  • Analytical thinking
  • Engineering Management
  • HTML5
  • JavaScript Frameworks
  • Jest (JavaScript Testing Framework)
  • Web Deployment
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Start interviewing the right way

Want to run an exceptional interview for Frontend Developer?

  1. Frontend (Technical)

    A brief, and rapid javascript 'quiz'. Use to assess the candidates breath and depth of practical knowledge related to frontend fundamentals.

    1. Question #1
      6 minutes
      What are the most common HTTP methods and what are they used for?
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      1. API Design

      Evaluation criteria

      1. GET: Retrieve information from the server, but do not apply any other effects on the data
      2. HEAD: Same as GET, but it only returns the status line and header section, not the body
      3. POST: Sends a request body payload to the server (e.g. form data, file upload, customer information, ...)
      4. PUT: Replace the entire target resource with the given request body payload
      5. DELETE: Remove the target resource
    2. Question #2
      5 minutes
      Do you have experience with semantic HTML and ARIA? Can you explain these concepts? Why are they important?
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      1. HTML5

      Evaluation criteria

      1. Should be able to articulate what semantic HTML is and accurately describe why it is important.
      2. Should be able to definite ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) and explain accessibility.
    3. Question #3
      2 minutes
      What is the difference between let, var, and const?
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      1. ECMAScript 2015

      Evaluation criteria

      1. Var is function scoped, and can be redeclared
      2. Let is block scoped, and can be redeclared
      3. Const is block scope, and cannot be redeclared
    4. Question #4
      3 minutes
      What is the difference between grid and flexbox, when do you use one vs the other?
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      1. Engineering

      Evaluation criteria

      1. Flexbox was designed for layout in one dimension - either a row or a column
      2. Grid was designed for two-dimensional layout - rows, and columns at the same time
    5. Question #5
      3 minutes
      What are the advantages of using ES6 Template Literals?
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      1. ECMAScript 2015

      Evaluation criteria

      1. Syntactic sugar
      2. Allows expression interpolation (javascript variables directly in string)
    6. Question #6
      3 minutes
      Briefly explain what async await is used for, and how it is different from promises.
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      1. Engineering

      Evaluation criteria

      1. Syntactic sugar
      2. Makes code appear more synchronous
    7. Question #7
      3 minutes
      Can you describe the main difference between the Array.forEach() loop and Array.map() methods and why you would pick one versus the other?
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      1. ECMAScript 2015

      Evaluation criteria

      1. forEach returns undefined, map returns an array
    8. Question #8
      5 minutes
      Explain your favourite javascript tool or framework, what are its advantages? What are its disadvantages? How does it differ from its competitors?
      Anchor tag to question
      1. JavaScript Frameworks

      Evaluation criteria

      1. We are just looking to gauge their level of professional interest in frontend development
    9. Question #9
      3 minutes
      Have you implemented any testing before? Can you tell us the difference between unit testing and e2e testing? Tell us about the frameworks you have used.
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      1. Jest (JavaScript Testing Framework)

      Evaluation criteria

      1. Unit testing verifies that individual, isolated parts work as expected
      2. E2E testing usually preforms a clickthrough of a website
      3. Cypress, jest, nightwatch, mocha are common frameworks
    10. Question #10
      3 minutes
      What is the difference between CSS preprocessors and a utility based approach to styling your apps?
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      1. CSS Frameworks

      Evaluation criteria

      1. A CSS preprocessor is a program that lets you generate CSS from the preprocessor's own unique syntax
      2. Frameworks such as Tailwind or Bootstrap present a large amount of flexibility utility classes
    11. Question #11
      3 minutes
      Say you need a key for access to a third party API, where will you store this key? What dangers are there with improper storage of your private keys?
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      1. Web Deployment

      Evaluation criteria

      1. API keys are generally stored in env files, so you can manage different environments
  2. Frontend (Soft Skills)

    A developer soft skill interview, focused on assessing the candidates teamwork and process related skills.

    1. Question #1
      5 minutes
      What excites or interests you about coding? What technologies do you find interesting?
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      1. Engineering

      Evaluation criteria

      1. Clear preferences and aversions reflect experience
    2. Question #2
      5 minutes
      Tell us about your preferred development environment, what tools you are comfortable with, and what tools you want to learn?
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      1. Engineering
    3. Question #3
      5 minutes
      Can you describe your workflow when you create a web page?
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      1. Agile Product Development
    4. Question #4
      3 minutes
      If you jumped on a project and you had a different opinion about linting rules or code formatting, how would you handle this in regards to your fellow team members?
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      1. Communication
    5. Question #5
      5 minutes
      What aspects are essential for a good code review? How do you make sure you are providing constructive criticism?
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      1. Communication
    6. Question #6
      8 minutes
      You are assigned to a ticket, and you are asked to gather information, estimate, and solve it. What does this process look like for you?
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      1. Communication
    7. Question #7
      5 minutes
      Do you have any opinion on CSS methodologies, frameworks, or libraries? How do you like to style your pages and apps?
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      1. CSS Frameworks
    8. Question #8
      10 minutes
      Are there any questions you would like to ask us about our development processes or technology choices?
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      1. Engineering
  3. Frontend, Problem Solving

    Intended as a back and forth, assessing their ability to breakdown requirements and develop a working plan.

    1. Question #1
      15 minutes
      You are asked to implement a registration and login page. What considerations do you need to take into account when designing and implementing this functionality?
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      1. API Design

      Evaluation criteria

      1. They should mention what are the specifications for login requirements, such as OAuth, business emails, etc.
      2. They should mention auxiliary pages such as change password, forgot password, and forgot username.
    2. Question #2
      5 minutes
      You are in a position where you can make architectural choices. Two developers are arguing over an arbitrary linting rule; how do you decide which rule to implement?
      Anchor tag to question
      1. Engineering Management

      Evaluation criteria

      1. We are looking for an understanding that business needs dictate developer standards
    3. Question #3
      20 minutes
      How would you handle the deployment of a modern web app? From your local machine to the web? Feel free to use your dream technologies. IE: Marketing website with blog, app, phone app, interaction with backend.
      Anchor tag to question
      1. Analytical thinking

      Evaluation criteria

      1. If they need an example, ask them to recreate Uber
      2. Have them identify their blind spots, and where they excel
      3. Describe technology choices for marketing website, SPA, and identify what other components would be necessary
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