17 questions and 9 skills to help you find and hire the perfect React Frontend Developer

React Frontend Developer

A three-stage interview process for assessing junior, mid-career, or senior level frontend developer candidates with a focus on React. This flow includes interviews for evaluating soft skills, React skills, as well as architecture skills.


  1. Frontend, Problem Solving
  2. Frontend, React (Technical)
  3. Frontend (Soft Skills)

Evaluated skills

  • Communication
  • Engineering
  • JavaScript
  • JavaScript Frameworks
  • Agile Product Development
  • Analytical thinking
  • API Design
  • CSS Frameworks
  • Engineering Management
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Start interviewing the right way

Want to run an exceptional interview for React Frontend Developer?

  1. Frontend, Problem Solving

    Intended as a back and forth, assessing their ability to breakdown requirements and develop a working plan.

    1. Question #1
      15 minutes
      You are asked to implement a registration and login page. What considerations do you need to take into account when designing and implementing this functionality?
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      1. API Design

      Evaluation criteria

      1. They should mention what are the specifications for login requirements, such as OAuth, business emails, etc.
      2. They should mention auxiliary pages such as change password, forgot password, and forgot username.
    2. Question #2
      5 minutes
      You are in a position where you can make architectural choices. Two developers are arguing over an arbitrary linting rule; how do you decide which rule to implement?
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      1. Engineering Management

      Evaluation criteria

      1. We are looking for an understanding that business needs dictate developer standards
    3. Question #3
      20 minutes
      How would you handle the deployment of a modern web app? From your local machine to the web? Feel free to use your dream technologies. IE: Marketing website with blog, app, phone app, interaction with backend.
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      1. Analytical thinking

      Evaluation criteria

      1. If they need an example, ask them to recreate Uber
      2. Have them identify their blind spots, and where they excel
      3. Describe technology choices for marketing website, SPA, and identify what other components would be necessary
  2. Frontend, React (Technical)

    A React interview, focused on assessing the candidates knowledge of the React framework and it's ecosystem.

    1. Question #1
      10 minutes
      How has your experience with React been so far? Have you enjoyed working with it? What are the pros and cons compared to other SPA libraries, why do you like React?
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      1. JavaScript

      Evaluation criteria

      1. Open ended, what problems React solves and how it differs from it's competitors
    2. Question #2
      8 minutes
      What is the difference between the class components and functional components. Which is now considered best practice and why?
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      1. JavaScript Frameworks

      Evaluation criteria

      1. Shared stateful logic with hooks
      2. They should mention the lifecycle and how it is accessed in both
    3. Question #3
      6 minutes
      Can you talk about some of the most important hooks? What are they, and what are they used for?
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      Evaluation criteria

      1. useState - Handles state in components
      2. useEffect - side-effects and managing lifecycle in components
      3. useContext - Handles state across components
    4. Question #4
      6 minutes
      What are the most common approaches for styling a React application?
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      Evaluation criteria

      1. CSS-in-JS, classes, inline, preprocessors
    5. Question #5
      6 minutes
      What is Next.js, what is it used for? When would you use it? When would you not?
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      1. JavaScript Frameworks

      Evaluation criteria

      1. Next.js is a React framework that provides out of the box SSR, routing, bundling, among other features.
      2. We want the candidate to understand it's usecases. SEO, speed, etc.
    6. Question #6
      6 minutes
      What is in your React 'toolkit'? What packages are useful? How are you deploying and creating your React apps?
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      1. JavaScript

      Evaluation criteria

      1. Open ended question, we're looking for interest in React and it's ecosystem.
      2. Such as CRA, Formik, component libraries (MUI, Ant design), State management (redux, mobx), react-router
  3. Frontend (Soft Skills)

    A developer soft skill interview, focused on assessing the candidates teamwork and process related skills.

    1. Question #1
      5 minutes
      What excites or interests you about coding? What technologies do you find interesting?
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      1. Engineering

      Evaluation criteria

      1. Clear preferences and aversions reflect experience
    2. Question #2
      5 minutes
      Tell us about your preferred development environment, what tools you are comfortable with, and what tools you want to learn?
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      1. Engineering
    3. Question #3
      5 minutes
      Can you describe your workflow when you create a web page?
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      1. Agile Product Development
    4. Question #4
      3 minutes
      If you jumped on a project and you had a different opinion about linting rules or code formatting, how would you handle this in regards to your fellow team members?
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      1. Communication
    5. Question #5
      5 minutes
      What aspects are essential for a good code review? How do you make sure you are providing constructive criticism?
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      1. Communication
    6. Question #6
      8 minutes
      You are assigned to a ticket, and you are asked to gather information, estimate, and solve it. What does this process look like for you?
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      1. Communication
    7. Question #7
      5 minutes
      Do you have any opinion on CSS methodologies, frameworks, or libraries? How do you like to style your pages and apps?
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      1. CSS Frameworks
    8. Question #8
      10 minutes
      Are there any questions you would like to ask us about our development processes or technology choices?
      Anchor tag to question
      1. Engineering
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